Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday, Aug. 16

Well, I just got a Twitter, and I have to say, it's been crazy. I locked it so that people will have to talk to me first and give me their Twitter in order for me to approve them and be able to see my tweets, but I myself have already followed over 500 accounts. ^^; They're mostly organic/eco-friendly organizations though, so I'm not just following random people. I did follow a couple of my friends that had Twitters, and I followed a few Japanese accounts that I liked (news, etc). I was surprised that even Kubo Tite had a Twitter. Ftw. I still have some homework to do for tomorrow, so I have to get straight on it. Twitter is actually pretty interesting. I just wish it wasn't blocked from school. XD

Anyway, if you happened to be wondering what my Twitter is, it's . Just send me an IM or an email if you want me to let you follow me, and I'll be glad to let you.

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About Me

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First off, I love God. I also like anything related to Japan, and I love animes and being environmentally friendly. I am also a Non-denominational Christian. So anyway, hope you enjoy my posts! You can also visit my own personal website at (coming soon!) to read more about me.
